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This is me, my head and my life. Deal with it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Dear nonexistent readers. The fact that I am writing this blog for imagined readers, and yes readers, who are not actually reading this, I do imagine quite a few of you reading this blog, shows that I have a very vivid imagination. Sometimes I wish the things in my mind would fall out into the world. For instance I think it would be swell if all my adoring fans were real, because then I would become famous and rich and they would make a movie about me just like "Julie and Julia." Today that is not the thing that I want to come out of my imagination. Today the thing that I want out of my imagination was a magic machine that would do all my cleaning for me. Because I know that will never be possible my second wish is that cleaning would be as easy and organized and fast as I imagine it. See before I do things I usually visualize them. Today as I sat and visualized cleaning I imagined it would be easy, and not take me all that long and I would be left with a spotless bedroom. False. It took me forever to clean my room and it's still not spotless. There are little bits and things everywhere. Moral of the story? I don't care anymore. I'm done trying to keep my room clean. F that noise, I'm a mess, deal with it.

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