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Sunday, October 24, 2010


Most times, after post marriage couples do two things, go on a honeymoon and have lots and lots of sex. The last is especially true for LDS couples who have probably been sexually deprived their entire lives and are now free to get all thier sexually pent up energy out. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to talk about the stuff you are doing post wedding when not doing the deed. That's right I'm talking about the honeymoon, or at least I will be for the rest of this post. When you ask most people to describe their dream honeymoon destination they will tell you they want to go to Hawaii or Tahiti or Fiji or some small island in the Caribbean. The really adventurous couples will tell you they want to go to some romantic place in Europe like Paris or Rome or in one instance Ireland. These things are all well and good. And I would not say no to going to any of these places. But for my honeymoon I want to go on an adventure. I'll leave lying on a beach soaking up sun to a time latter in life when my hips are going and all I really can do is lay on a beach or on the deck of a cruise ship. Right now I think I want my adventure to be driving across America looking at all the weird "roadside attractions." For instance did you know that the worlds biggest ball of twine currently resides in Cawker City Kansas, or that there's a UFO landing dock in Green Bay Wisconsin? Yeah, it's true. And there are things like this all over the great US of A. So one day, after I'm married I want to drive from one state to the next, staying in cute bed and breakfasts and seedy motels enjoying the quirky things that this great land has to offer. So that's my rant, thanks for reading, or not reading. It really doesn't matter to me.


  1. JESS. How did you know that I want to go on a road trip of the US doing/seeing those exact same things (as in, the twine and bed and breakfasts)?

  2. REALLY? I had no idea! Well I guess if we road tripped together it would be just as epic as doing it on my honeymoon. Seriously we should plan a trip.

  3. Ok, I didn't see this until now. but we need to plan a trip STAT. maybe when you come sleep over at my hoppin pad?

  4. That sounds like a fantabulous plan. I was thinking we could start small with a trip to Cali and then work up?
