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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Boy am I glad I'm not a man

In history men have had it better off than women. If I listen to the screaming protests of my femenist side men probably still have it better what with their higher wages and winning side of almost all double standards but there are a few things about being a dude that make me very glad that I am a chick. I will now list them, in a list.
1. Genitals on the outside. Yeah, that's gotta suck. I know God is perfect and all that, but really, what was he thinking? I mean yes females are occasionally hit in the bosoms but I think I can safely say that that experience is nothing to a kick in the private man region. So that must suck.
2. Public bathrooms. I'm not a fan of public bathrooms, but it's not the germs that get me. I'm sure there are just as many germs on the toilet as there are on any given handle. Seriously folks, the world is full of germs move on. It's the public part that bugs me. I can't walk into a bathroom after someone. I hate going in a stall next to someone, or walking into a stall that someone just came out of and you see there face. The worst is going at the same time as someone and walking out with that person when there is just the two of you in the bathroom and its jsut weird and awkward, cuz you both just heard each other going and you know exactly what the other person was doing. That just freaks me out so so much. So I can't even imagine using a urinal with a bunch of other dudes in the same general area. I honestly don' think I would be able to do it.
3. Face shaving. I actually don't mind shaving my legs. The smoothness is so niiiice. But I somehow think that running a razor across delicate face skin would blow epically. And if you cut yourself all up you can't just wear pants over your face.
Well that's all I have for now. It in no way evens the scales of inequality that has befallen women for millennia that include but are not limited to, the rule of thumb, not being able to vote and having to birth. However you men who are probably not reading should know, you're not all that powerful and great. Nope. And I for one wouldn't want to be one of you.


  1. As the lone male reader who has come out...as a public follower of your blog, I feel entitled to explain from a not-so-manly man's perspective.

    1) I feel these were put on the outside so girls could get out of a situation they didn't want to be in. In effect, God was protecting women by providing a way for them to subdue their usually more powerful male counterparts.

    2) I had urinalphobia for the longest time, I've almost overcome it now, but I still need a barrier/divider. I'm with you on this.

    3) I always cut myself under my chin and don't notice and then someone will tell me I'm bleeding and it's awkward.

    Good points you've raised, but I would rather put up with all these than bleed out my vagina every month. Just sayin'.

  2. Nick as the lone out of the bloget (that's me combining blog and closet so people don't think you are coming out of the closet, because that might not be so good for your rep) male reader I appreciate your input. I feel that your reasoning on one is logical, but still very sad for the men. And I agree with you on the "bleeding out of the vagina every month thing" but for too long have women complained about male dominance and female suffering at the hands of the evil penis havers. I just thought it was time that someone point out that it can suck to be a dude too instead of just ranting in a feminist type style about how all men are mouth breathing chauvinist pigs who women would be better off without.
