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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Being a Nowhere Man is not as fun as the Beatles song would have you think

***Notice, there is some bad language and almost bad language in this post, I'm upset deal or don't read it****

So, as many of you nonreaders out there probably don't know, or care to know, I have transfered from the beloved and beautiful UCLA to the beliked and be-prettyish University of Utah. The reason for this sudden move eastward is primarily financial. Even after, living, working, paying taxes and generally loving California with all my heart and soul UCLA still wouldn't give me residency. I could no longer afford to pay out of state tuition. Two choices were placed before me. I could work for a year, pay for my junior year all by myself and then maybe get residency for my senior year, or I could come home and go to the U. What with todays current economic turmoil I decided it would be more practical, more adult, and in the long run, more beneficial to come home and go to the U. So I transfer. And then find out that the University of Utah is not going to give me residency. Say whaaaaaat(insert sassy black head bob, and z formation snapping here) ? So I rush around everywhere, including the DMV in west Salt Lake near the fairgrounds, which is not a fun place to bus to let me tell you what, getting everything they say I need to prove my residence. I gather it all up and turn it in. Then they tell me that they need some more stuff, so I get it. I do everything they ask with a smile on my face, and what do they do? They deny me residency. Those sons of b*tch mother effing DOUCHE BAGS deny me residency. Apparently all that rushing and fearing for my life. wasn't enough, and apparently I made moves to establish residency in California. Do you mean paying taxes U of U? Cuz thats kind of the law. Paying taxes means I was working, not establishing residency. Now I get to appeal the whole thing and go through all the steps of proving I'm a resident again. And you know what I'm thinking they will probably deny me again, because thats just the way my life appears to be rolling right now. They, being the fart nuggets in charge of this sort of thing, said I would be able to get residency in CA after living there for two years, lies, they said that all I needed for residency at the U was a drivers license and voter registration, bull sh*t. Why can't things be like the people in charge say they will be? Why? Why is that so hard? I guess thats life. But you know what the University of Utah residency office can go to hell.
So for all of you who have been thinking to yourself that you might one day like to become a real nowhere man living in a nowhere land making all your nowhere plans for nobody rethink. Its not fun, and there's a hell of a lot of paperwork.

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