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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Someone explain this to me

I do not understand a lot of things about society. The previous sentence should probably be read I do not understand society, at all. At any rate, this week is semester opening at the bookstore and it has me questioning some things that people do. So if someone could explain these behaviors to me, that would be great.

  1.  I have noticed that boys seem  to like wearing tube socks, usually black, but sometimes white, or once today checkered, with shorts. Why? Why do they do this? Is it like a thing that people think looks cool? Because I just think it looks dumb. Approaching the level of wearing uggs with a mini skirt dumb. Either your legs are hot or cold. Is it comfy? It doesn't look comfy. I wear knee socks in the fall and I always have sagging problems. Why does this trend exist?
  2. Why don't people read? When I go to a store I usually look around and try to figure out where things are, because a lot of places have really helpful signs posted. More and more I'm starting to think I'm the only one who actually does this.  Seriously, the bookstore has a giant ass arrow hanging from the ceiling that says "all returns" and yet the most frequently asked question is about the location of returns. Only my need for rent money stops me from saying "it's about where that giant sign hanging from the ceiling with floor arrows leading up to it is, idiot." I mean either people are choosing not to read or there is a really big literacy problem in America. I don't know what scares me more.
  3. Also listening. I give great instructions. People don't listen, and then I have to repeat myself over and over. If you ask a question, listen to the response. It will save us both some time.
  4. Weird piercings befuddle me. Some girl came in with the back of her neck pierced. The back... of her neck. She can't even see back there? What is the purpose of that? Why?
There are lots more things I don't understand about what goes on in peoples heads, but those questions will do for now. If someone could just fill me in with why these things are happening before I lose my faith in humanity that would be great.


  1. I predict that you will be sitting on your front porch in a rocking chair yelling at those *#$^%@ kids to get off your lawn. At age 25.

    1. Dad, the signs will clearly say to stay off the grass. If they don't read I have every right to yell, and/or shoot them with my paintball gun, and/or sick my vicious hounds on them. When you think about it I'm just helping them learn a valuable life lesson.
