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Monday, August 29, 2011

Schooooools Back From Summer!

Ladies and gentlemen, it's that time of year again. The time of year when yellow buses once again block our driving paths. The time of year when school supplies go on super sale and my mom gets really excited about it. The time of year when I remember all the things I love about getting an education and all the things I hate. Since this time around I am not stuck in a moving-away-from-California funk I can really appreciate, and loathe all the little details of school being back. And since I have a blog I have a place to list all the things I love and hate. I think I'll alternate.

Thing that I love: New class schedule
Close your eyes everybody, my nerd is showing. I love confess I love putting together my schedule for the new semester. Trying to figure out how things will fit together, struggling to get the classes you want, without having 7 am classes or 8 hours on friday. It's a rush. And when you finally get everything perfect. It's a pretty great feeling.

Thing that I hate: New professors that are like all other professors.
I know that all professors are different. Some are men, some are women, some are young, some are old, some speak english, some really don't, but on one thing that most all professors have in common is that they seem to think that theirs is the only class you're taking. As such they feel justified in assigning insane amounts of homework from the get go. There is no easing into it, you have 3 physics assignments, 2 papers, and 200 pages of reading due by the end of week 1. Thanks guys.

Thing that I love: New classmates
New classes mean a whole new set of classmates to learn and grow with. Who knows you might actually meet some new friends. Or if you're me you might actually find some people whom you enjoy watching and eavesdropping with in order to creepily make up their life stories. Either way good times are had.

Thing that I hate: New classmates
No matter how many students are in the class I always end up sitting next to the worst ones. The two sorority girls who continue to giggle and talk even after lecture has started. Then when they finally quiet down one of them pulls out the worlds biggest Red Delicious and starts chowing down, with her mouth open and the sound of apple chewing mere inches from my ear while the other pulls out and starts texting on her phone that still has the sound on in the buttons whilst nibbling on crackers that crunch so loud children in Africa are getting even hungrier. Meanwhile instead of focusing on my professors explanation of the laws of physics I am focused on not going all Kill Bill on the Bobsy Twins' asses.

Things I love: Having a job
Haha suckers! I have a job! I can pay my rent! I don't have to add the stress of finding a way to financially support myself to the list of other stressful first week of school things! Ha!

Things I hate: Having a job
The first week of class is the busiest week at the campus store. This translates to me working 8-9 hours a day everyday of the first 2 weeks on top of class. That's too much work for Jessica. I go a little crazy, and get a little grumpy

I think that does it for my explanation of my love hate relationship with school. Let me know if I miss anything. And for all of you who are back in school yourselves, try and enjoy yourself.

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