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Tuesday, November 30, 2010


This week at work I am reading "A View from Saturday." Yes I know that this is a kids book, but I love it so you can shove it. Anyway one of the main character's grandfather's friends says that the ballpoint pen is the lead cause behind the decline of the Western Civilization. I personally disagree, and love my ballpoint pens but it got me thinking, what is the causing the decline of Western Civilization and how do we fix it? Well I'm not sure exactly what the cause, or causes of this apparent decline is, although I can think of a few, for example an apathetic youth and general mistrust of one person of everyone else around them, an in depth look at our societies failings is for another post. I have however decided that western civilization would be greatly improved by everyone listening to something aired on National Public Radio aka NPR. It is, in my humble opinion, the greatest thing ever. I am currently subscribed to This American Life, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, and RadioLab. I plan on adding Fresh Air and Talk of the Nation to this list. They are fabulous for people who have no car and must walk to school, namely me. You put on a pod cast and listen while you walk. It's a beautiful system. I think if people listened western civilization might make a recovery, but maybe that's just me. At any rate I figured what's the point of having a blog if I can't occasionally shamelessly promote my favorite things? So the moral is, NPR is great, and you, dear reader, whoever you may be, should check it out. It might just change your life.

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