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Friday, February 1, 2013

You Know What Happens When You Assume*...

*Here come the swears so if it bugs you look away now.

And just in case you don't know I'll tell you. It makes an ass out of me and you. Clever clever, but oh so true. Sometimes other people's assumptions and subsequent ass impersonation, makes for fun times for everyone. You know someone makes an assumption, someone else says "well you know what happens when you assume..." everyone laughs and moves on. The person assuming probably feels silly, but really no harm done. Other times, however, someone makes an assumption that comes from a place of pride or hurt or jealousy and they really just look like an ASS. A big one. The kind of ass that makes you simultaneously want to punch them in the soft parts of their body and explain to them exactly what's going on so that they will go away and hide in their shame for awhile, but also run away and never talk to them again because you don't want to catch their particular form of ass hattery, and you're afraid  it just might be contagious.   Is there a point to this post? Not really. I just needed to get that off my chest, and it's to long for Facebook and twitter. I guess the take home message is don't assume things, and if you're going to assume things don't let jealousy rule your tongue/fingers. Also keep your assumptions off Facebook, because being an ass for a moment in a small group sucks, but parading your assery around for hundreds of people to see while also being immortalized as an ass online forever sucks a whole lot more.

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