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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daydream believer

The way I see it dreams, and by dreams I mean the grand goals an plans we have laid out for our ideal futures, not the weird release of subconscious energy that happens when we were asleep. Anyway. They way I see it dreams are good for one of two things. Dreams either inspire and motivate us, helping us pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and strive for a better tomorrow thereby making it possible for us to make it through our trials and tribulations and hope for something more. Or. They confirm that life really is just one big shit storm and your are always going to be a disappointment even to yourself. I think that it's one or the other based on where we are and if life is looking up, sort of down, or really epically down. At any rate dreams are a thing most people have, and I am no exception I am here today to  detail my ultimate dream, the big one, where I want to my life to end up. That way when you check on me sometime in the future I can realize how little I've actually accomplished.

So lets jump ahead five years shall we? I'm 26, probably still super single, but totally rocking that single life. I'm an occupational therapist, have been for 2 years now. I'm working as a traveling occupational therapist. I move to a town, work for 6ish weeks, and then move to a new town. It's pretty bad ass. I get to see pretty much all of America this way, staying in all the hip cities, doing all the cool stuffs that there is to do in this fine country. I also have an impeccable wardrobe. And lots of friends, because talking to people and making friends has become easy and my social anxieties are all gone. When I'm not going and doing cool things with my cool (and by cool I mean witty, sarcastic haters of general society like myself) friends I am playing my bass guitar. Because I have a bass guitar, and can play it, really well. Now lets go a little farther into the future, say another 2-3 years in the future. I've settled down by this time. Somewhere really cool, like San Francisco, or Seattle, or somewhere west coasterly. I have a boyfriend/husband, who likes me quite a bit. In fact we are thinking of settling down and popping out rugrats. I am playing my bass guitar in a cool band, also singing backup vocals because that pesky stage fright thing is gone. I'm still an occupational therapist, but a stationary one, working at a school or state hospital helping the marginalized. I am also super duper in shape because I jog now, and like it. Aaaand scene.

Ok, There it is, that's my life dream. Don't mock me, or judge me if none actually happens. I mean if even some of it happens my life is going to be pretty awesome right? And now that all the blogging world that doesn't read this can bear witness to my dreams the pressure is on to actually achieve it. Ready... break.

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