So sometimes I go out in public, and do things like shop. Granted I usually do these public things with my mom and 16 year old brother. But they're awesome. So its all good. Whenever I go out in public however, I am quickly, and sometimes harshly reminded why it's for the best that I stay inside, alone. For example....
Today while out with my family we entered a weird seasonal game/calendar store. I was looking around, trying to figure out if I should get the sexy fireman calendar or the sexy Chippendales calendar not paying attention my surroundings when I popped my hip and planted my foot. In hindsight I guess I did plant it on a slightly uneven surface, but in the moment I didn't notice. In fact I didn't notice anything for like 5-10 seconds, until the "ground" I was standing on shifted. Because it turns out the "ground" I had been standing on was someones foot. Yes. For 5-10 seconds I had been standing on some guys foot. Totally didn't even realize. But oh it gets better, after the poor teenaged gentlemen I was holding captive by my stance shifted his trapped appendage instead of immediately jumping backwards off the foot I looked down and stared at the foot. For another 2-3 second. Just stared. At the foot. Then I looked up. And the kid was staring at me. And I muttered some probably incoherent apology. But instead of playing it cool, or even blaming drugs I stuttered and blushed and glanced around nervously, and I assume creepily. and then turned around and did this weird shuffle run in the opposite direction. Yup. That is my life.
So. For anyone thinking that they are the most awkward person in the universe, rest assured, you're not. I got the call today to inform me that that award belongs to me.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Apology to a Deer
Last night as I was driving home from a friends I hit a deer with my car. I am uninjured, and my car is miraculously not totaled. I am however filled to the brim with guilt. See I was able to slam on my breaks fast enough that I didn't kill the deer on impact. But I didn't slow the car down enough that no harm was done to the poor deer. Between the shock of hitting an animal with my car and the people honking behind me after I hit said animal I didn't actually get to find out if the deer lived or died slowly alone in the night. I mean it limped away, but it couldn't stand up completely. So yes. I am plagued with guilt over the harm I caused this deer and the uncertainty over it's fate. And the way I'm choosing to deal with it is write a blog apology that the deer will never see. But given that I'm the type of person that uses cups to rescue spiders I find in my house and I spent many minutes of my youth picking up worms from the sidewalk and putting them back on the grass something has to be done. And this is what I'm doing. Deal with it.
Dear deer,
I am so so sorry that I hit you with my car last night. You came out of nowhere, and then you froze, much like your kind does in headlights. I tried to slam on the brakes, but you were too close, and my reflexes too slow. I'm sorry that I caused you pain. I would never intentionally hurt something as graceful and docile as yourself. If you lived I'm sorry for any permanent limp and/or emotional scarring that occurred. And if you didn't make it, you sweet sweet creature, I'm sorry that you died in pain. I'm sorry that if I had to kill you I couldn't just kill you outright. I also apologize to any deer family you might have had. I hope you know that it wasn't your deer relative's fault, and I'm sorry for your loss. Wherever you are deer, whether it be alive and bounding in the foothills of Provo, or frolicking in the great meadow in the sky I hope you are happy. And I hope you know how sorry I am. Because I am really terribly and so so sorry.
My best wishes
Dear deer,
I am so so sorry that I hit you with my car last night. You came out of nowhere, and then you froze, much like your kind does in headlights. I tried to slam on the brakes, but you were too close, and my reflexes too slow. I'm sorry that I caused you pain. I would never intentionally hurt something as graceful and docile as yourself. If you lived I'm sorry for any permanent limp and/or emotional scarring that occurred. And if you didn't make it, you sweet sweet creature, I'm sorry that you died in pain. I'm sorry that if I had to kill you I couldn't just kill you outright. I also apologize to any deer family you might have had. I hope you know that it wasn't your deer relative's fault, and I'm sorry for your loss. Wherever you are deer, whether it be alive and bounding in the foothills of Provo, or frolicking in the great meadow in the sky I hope you are happy. And I hope you know how sorry I am. Because I am really terribly and so so sorry.
My best wishes
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Gilmores Galore
So what would imagine would happen if two slightly social awkward, but vivacious and hilarious young ladies moved in together. If you answered that they would bond together to pull each other out of the pathetic black hole of social ineptness and make a lot of friends and be social butterflies in the meadow of life you would be so, so wrong. So wrong. What actually happens is conversations like this.
Heather- (After watching this hilarious video) So I like this video, you should post it on Facebook so I can share it.
Me- Ok...ok...done
Heather- Ok cool. I'm sharing it.
Me- Cool, oh and you liked it. Awesome
Heather- Yeah.
Heather- Listen to this tweet 'I'm not a mom, but I bet I could also lift a car out of adrenaline panic if a cute guy said something nice to me and I needed to hide under it.'
Me- Genuine laughter (probably to hide the pain caused by how true this statement is)... I like it.
Heather- Should I retweet it?
Me- Yes. And then I'll favorite it.
Yup. Add in a lot of Gilmore Girls, and Gilmore Girls theme song singing (much to dismay of our upstairs neighbors I'm sure) and this is my basically every night. Yup. That's my life. Deal with it.
Heather- (After watching this hilarious video) So I like this video, you should post it on Facebook so I can share it.
Me- Ok...ok...done
Heather- Ok cool. I'm sharing it.
Me- Cool, oh and you liked it. Awesome
Heather- Yeah.
Heather- Listen to this tweet 'I'm not a mom, but I bet I could also lift a car out of adrenaline panic if a cute guy said something nice to me and I needed to hide under it.'
Me- Genuine laughter (probably to hide the pain caused by how true this statement is)... I like it.
Heather- Should I retweet it?
Me- Yes. And then I'll favorite it.
Yup. Add in a lot of Gilmore Girls, and Gilmore Girls theme song singing (much to dismay of our upstairs neighbors I'm sure) and this is my basically every night. Yup. That's my life. Deal with it.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Going to Movies Alone
Here's the truth world, I like, nay, love going to movies alone. Seriously. I love it. In fact over the past 5 weekends I think I've gone to three movies all by myself. Yeah. I have. And I have thoroughly enjoyed myself each and every time. "But why Jessica?"you might be asking yourself. "Don't you feel awkward sitting among all those other people who are there enjoying the movie with their friends and loved ones? Don't you too have friends? I mean I know you're kinds of socially retarded, but couldn't you find ONE person to go with you?" To which I would respond "hey you, don't be mean, and let me explain why I love going to movies solo."
First, I could probably find a friend to go with. I mean I do have friends. I think. Most of the time. But if I go with a friend there are all sorts of things that have to be coordinated. You both have to want to go and see the same movie, or come to some sort of compromise about which movie you're seeing. Then you have to agree on a time, and finagle schedules. Then you have to agree on a theater that is equidistant from both of you. It really is a hassle. If I go by myself I can go see what I want, where I want, when I want. And I can do it at the drop of a hat. So really it's super convenient.
Second, when you go to a movie you basically, if you are a good person, sit in silence for two hours. If you are one of those people who like to have full on conversations in a movie theater you can skip this part, but know that everyone else hates you. Back on point. Do you really need someone to sit in silence with you? I don't think you do. I can get engrossed in a plot line all on my onsie thanks very much.
Third, if you do go with someone to a movie they are going to want to discuss the movie after. And what if they hated it? And I liked it? Well now I feel stupid. If I go by myself the only person I have to agree with is me.
Fourth, and finally, sometimes I really like being alone. I like not having to talk to people, or try to impress anyone, or dealing with others humanity. Going to a movie alone gives me two hours where I don't have to talk to anyone, or think about anything but what's happening on the silver screen. I can get lost in a world that isn't my own. And sometimes that is exactly what I need.
Anyway the point of all this is to tell all of you that I go to movies alone. And I'm not ashamed. And if you one day find yourself want to go enjoy the cinema, but you have no one to go with let me know, cuz I'll be your friend and will see anything once. But also you could go by yourself and I will support that too.
First, I could probably find a friend to go with. I mean I do have friends. I think. Most of the time. But if I go with a friend there are all sorts of things that have to be coordinated. You both have to want to go and see the same movie, or come to some sort of compromise about which movie you're seeing. Then you have to agree on a time, and finagle schedules. Then you have to agree on a theater that is equidistant from both of you. It really is a hassle. If I go by myself I can go see what I want, where I want, when I want. And I can do it at the drop of a hat. So really it's super convenient.
Second, when you go to a movie you basically, if you are a good person, sit in silence for two hours. If you are one of those people who like to have full on conversations in a movie theater you can skip this part, but know that everyone else hates you. Back on point. Do you really need someone to sit in silence with you? I don't think you do. I can get engrossed in a plot line all on my onsie thanks very much.
Third, if you do go with someone to a movie they are going to want to discuss the movie after. And what if they hated it? And I liked it? Well now I feel stupid. If I go by myself the only person I have to agree with is me.
Fourth, and finally, sometimes I really like being alone. I like not having to talk to people, or try to impress anyone, or dealing with others humanity. Going to a movie alone gives me two hours where I don't have to talk to anyone, or think about anything but what's happening on the silver screen. I can get lost in a world that isn't my own. And sometimes that is exactly what I need.
Anyway the point of all this is to tell all of you that I go to movies alone. And I'm not ashamed. And if you one day find yourself want to go enjoy the cinema, but you have no one to go with let me know, cuz I'll be your friend and will see anything once. But also you could go by yourself and I will support that too.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
I Can Hear the Bells
Great news everybody! I have found someone with whom I can share a deep and meaningful relationship with. Or at the very least a casual hookup. His name is Kameren (With a K and an E at the end). He's a practicing witch, and he could see that my name started with a J because the J was really big and floating up in my head. He was a science whiz in high school and could be a zoologist if he wanted but he's too lazy right now. He really wants a girl friend, and he isn't that picky, and he finds me attractive enough, and would totally be down to have me as his girlfriend, or to just hook up. He thinks we would be great together because he's a Pisces and I'm a Cancer. Since we're both water creatures we would have some "rocking times." And if I occasionally smacked him he wouldn't mind, he would just ask me how to fix it. So really a sweet guy. He is also homeless at 21 which makes my heart hurt. A lot. Maybe we, as a nation or something, should try to figure out how someone who is only 3 years out of high school is already homeless. But that's another soap box. The is a bright side, he filled out an application at Jimmy Johns, and has a lead on some construction work. Even though I don't plan on pursuing any sort of relationship with him, and I don't know if I'll ever see him again I wish him well. Because quite honestly it's nice to have a conversation with someone who finds you attractive, even if it's only attractive enough to have random sex with. Good to know I've still got it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Someone explain this to me
I do not understand a lot of things about society. The previous sentence should probably be read I do not understand society, at all. At any rate, this week is semester opening at the bookstore and it has me questioning some things that people do. So if someone could explain these behaviors to me, that would be great.
- I have noticed that boys seem to like wearing tube socks, usually black, but sometimes white, or once today checkered, with shorts. Why? Why do they do this? Is it like a thing that people think looks cool? Because I just think it looks dumb. Approaching the level of wearing uggs with a mini skirt dumb. Either your legs are hot or cold. Is it comfy? It doesn't look comfy. I wear knee socks in the fall and I always have sagging problems. Why does this trend exist?
- Why don't people read? When I go to a store I usually look around and try to figure out where things are, because a lot of places have really helpful signs posted. More and more I'm starting to think I'm the only one who actually does this. Seriously, the bookstore has a giant ass arrow hanging from the ceiling that says "all returns" and yet the most frequently asked question is about the location of returns. Only my need for rent money stops me from saying "it's about where that giant sign hanging from the ceiling with floor arrows leading up to it is, idiot." I mean either people are choosing not to read or there is a really big literacy problem in America. I don't know what scares me more.
- Also listening. I give great instructions. People don't listen, and then I have to repeat myself over and over. If you ask a question, listen to the response. It will save us both some time.
- Weird piercings befuddle me. Some girl came in with the back of her neck pierced. The back... of her neck. She can't even see back there? What is the purpose of that? Why?
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Anatomy of a Boy Band
Boy Bands are back! Or should I say there is a boy band and it has arrived in 2012 like a remainder of a bygone era. Namely the 90s. The boy band of which I speak is of course One Direction. And boy are they a boy band in every sense of the word. They have it all, poppy songs, sappy lyrics, legions of hysterical obsessed fans who stand outside for hours hoping to catch a glimpse of their beautiful faces, ridiculous music videos, cheesy dance moves. See? Everything. Anyway with this resurgence (is it a resurgence if theres just the one) of boy band mania I've noticed somethings about boy bands that I didn't notice back when I was belting out Backstreet Boys as a preteen. For the record I still belt out Backstreet Boys, but that's not the point. Namely I've noticed that all boy bands seem to be made of of the same type of stock characters. So, for my (and possibly your, but mostly my) enjoyment I am going to break down the boy band using the bands One Direction, Backstreet Boys, N*Sync and the Spice Girls. And before you start telling me that the Spice Girls isn't a boy band, think about it, its the same basic principal but with more girl power and boobs. So here it is, my essential list of boy band members.
- The Talent. Every boy band, no no strike that, every band in general has to have at least one talented member. Most bands have more talented members, but boy bands tend to have just the one. The one who's truly talented. They do most of the lead vocals, kinda carry everyone else, could maybe make a solo career if they get out soon enough. In Backstreet Boys (BB from here on out) it's Brian, a little balding, but solid in the singing department. In N*Sync (NS) it's Justin, obviously, I mean he brought sexy back, what more is there to say. In the Spice Girls (GS) I think it's Ginger as far as the actual singing goes, but as far as the life success rate it's definitely Posh, I mean she married Becks soooo... And in One Direction (OD) its the British kid with brown hair. Oh wait. It's the one they call Liam. I think.
- The one who thinks they are the talent. Yeah. This is awkard. But seriously there's always one guy who thinks he's a WAY bigger deal than he/she actually is. This person will probably try to make a solo album, that will totally flop. BB: Kevin Richardson, NS JC Chasez, SG: Sporty Spice and in OD... it's actually too soon to tell. The one with the ego huge enough to think they can make it on their own isn't usually reviled until they try to make it on their own. And by trying to make it on their own they usually break up the band. Seriously this person is THE WORST.
- The blond one. Take a look at all these groups, mostly a lot of brunettes with the token towhead thrown in to shake things up. Now this generally only applies to the all white/mostly white groups. And those are what I listen to. So this stays. BB: Nick Carter, NS: Lance Bass (who would also fall into the closeted member which is not always a part of a boy band, but sometimes is)(he also is a bottle blond, but I'm counting it), SG: Baby Spice, duh, and OD: The blond one, who is apparently called Niall which I don't know how to say.
- The "Bad" Boy/Crazy one: I use the term "bad" loosely. I mean, you're in a boy band, how bad can you be? But there's always the one, that walks, if not exactly ON the edge, but a little closer to it than the other guys, or girls. Usually there are piercings involved i.e. Zayn from OD, who's name even sounds vaguely bad ass. And/or tattoos a la AJ from the Backstreet Boys, and who's name is also kind of rebel without a cause-y. This person is probably going to end up in the news for all the wrong reasons like Scary Spice(you couldn't find someone better than Eddie Murphy fro your baby daddy) or a desperate wash out like Chris from N*Sync(that poor fool still thinks the band is getting back together). Being the bad boy might be fun at the time, but I don't think it ever leads good places.
- The other one. Think about it, for some reason all these groups had five members and they all have one member that you just forget about. BB Howie, NS Joey, SG...Posh, lets be honest she was sort of non existent in the actually band. She got famous through her husband. And OD: the brown haired british one, oh wait, the one they call Louis.
So there you have it. The recipe for a boy band. I don't know what you plan to do with the information. I see two options; go out and really bring back the 90s by creating too many boy bands to keep track of, or use this information to destroy any and all future boy bands. The choice is yours. Choose wisely.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Daydream believer
The way I see it dreams, and by dreams I mean the grand goals an plans we have laid out for our ideal futures, not the weird release of subconscious energy that happens when we were asleep. Anyway. They way I see it dreams are good for one of two things. Dreams either inspire and motivate us, helping us pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and strive for a better tomorrow thereby making it possible for us to make it through our trials and tribulations and hope for something more. Or. They confirm that life really is just one big shit storm and your are always going to be a disappointment even to yourself. I think that it's one or the other based on where we are and if life is looking up, sort of down, or really epically down. At any rate dreams are a thing most people have, and I am no exception I am here today to detail my ultimate dream, the big one, where I want to my life to end up. That way when you check on me sometime in the future I can realize how little I've actually accomplished.
So lets jump ahead five years shall we? I'm 26, probably still super single, but totally rocking that single life. I'm an occupational therapist, have been for 2 years now. I'm working as a traveling occupational therapist. I move to a town, work for 6ish weeks, and then move to a new town. It's pretty bad ass. I get to see pretty much all of America this way, staying in all the hip cities, doing all the cool stuffs that there is to do in this fine country. I also have an impeccable wardrobe. And lots of friends, because talking to people and making friends has become easy and my social anxieties are all gone. When I'm not going and doing cool things with my cool (and by cool I mean witty, sarcastic haters of general society like myself) friends I am playing my bass guitar. Because I have a bass guitar, and can play it, really well. Now lets go a little farther into the future, say another 2-3 years in the future. I've settled down by this time. Somewhere really cool, like San Francisco, or Seattle, or somewhere west coasterly. I have a boyfriend/husband, who likes me quite a bit. In fact we are thinking of settling down and popping out rugrats. I am playing my bass guitar in a cool band, also singing backup vocals because that pesky stage fright thing is gone. I'm still an occupational therapist, but a stationary one, working at a school or state hospital helping the marginalized. I am also super duper in shape because I jog now, and like it. Aaaand scene.
Ok, There it is, that's my life dream. Don't mock me, or judge me if none actually happens. I mean if even some of it happens my life is going to be pretty awesome right? And now that all the blogging world that doesn't read this can bear witness to my dreams the pressure is on to actually achieve it. Ready... break.
So lets jump ahead five years shall we? I'm 26, probably still super single, but totally rocking that single life. I'm an occupational therapist, have been for 2 years now. I'm working as a traveling occupational therapist. I move to a town, work for 6ish weeks, and then move to a new town. It's pretty bad ass. I get to see pretty much all of America this way, staying in all the hip cities, doing all the cool stuffs that there is to do in this fine country. I also have an impeccable wardrobe. And lots of friends, because talking to people and making friends has become easy and my social anxieties are all gone. When I'm not going and doing cool things with my cool (and by cool I mean witty, sarcastic haters of general society like myself) friends I am playing my bass guitar. Because I have a bass guitar, and can play it, really well. Now lets go a little farther into the future, say another 2-3 years in the future. I've settled down by this time. Somewhere really cool, like San Francisco, or Seattle, or somewhere west coasterly. I have a boyfriend/husband, who likes me quite a bit. In fact we are thinking of settling down and popping out rugrats. I am playing my bass guitar in a cool band, also singing backup vocals because that pesky stage fright thing is gone. I'm still an occupational therapist, but a stationary one, working at a school or state hospital helping the marginalized. I am also super duper in shape because I jog now, and like it. Aaaand scene.
Ok, There it is, that's my life dream. Don't mock me, or judge me if none actually happens. I mean if even some of it happens my life is going to be pretty awesome right? And now that all the blogging world that doesn't read this can bear witness to my dreams the pressure is on to actually achieve it. Ready... break.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
It Runs in the Family
So as many of you may not know I am spending this summer with my dear younger brother Andrew. He has job in Salt Lake, I have a job and school and a life in Salt Lake. It just made sense. Some people may be thinking "You're whaaaat? Jessica won't living with your brother create so much strife and tension in your life that you and your brother will eventually explode creating an impassible chasm in what was once a healthy and mostly working relationship? It's one thing seeing him when you are at home and chilling together when you are at family functions, but actually living with your brother? Are you insane?" Well, I probably am insane, but that's a whole other issue that is in no way dependent on my current state of familial cohabitation. Actually my brother and I get along really well. Either that or we are both so busy and see each other so rarely that we are able to repress our rage and hatred really well. But I think it's the former. I mean we hang out and stuff. He has met most of my friends, and he has no friends in the SLC so I have met none of his. It's a really good thing we have going. So good in fact that I have become inspired to jot down a list of things we both do really really well, probably because of genetics.
![]() |
The duck face shows how cool we are |
- Taking naps, especially of the mid to late afternoon variety. Seriously we are both world class nap takers. I just got up from an hour and a half long snooze, and my brother is still in his room asleep. Yesterday he got up from a 3 hour rendezvous in dreamland thinking he had slept through the whole night. His disorientation was adorable. I don't know if this extreme napping has to do with lack of sleep, some sort of anemia, or a recessive hibernation gene that probably means we are related to bears, but we have this napping thing DOWN. Go team Swensen!
- Looking alike. Apparently this is a thing, because whenever we go to some sort of public gathering people feel the need to mention it. Comments like "wow Jessica you look just like your brother," or "are you two twins?" are totally normal and expected. So expected in fact that I have planned witty my responses that go "yeah it's almost like we're related," and "yes we are, identical twins in fact." I personally don't see it. I mean sure we look like siblings but I wouldn't say that my brother is like a dude version of me, or I am like a chick version of my brother. Which I have heard, often, and have yet to figure out whether to be insulted. I've included a picture to let you decide, and to add color to this post.
- Blogging. I don't know if we both do this well, but, well, we do it. My brothers blog "I live with my sister now" is his completely falsified account of our, or more specifically my, summer exploits. And I have this little thing. Just so we're clear I actually did have human friends over and don't know anyone named Ralph. But hey whatever makes him happy.
- Being hilarious. Am I tooting our horn right now? Yes. But gosh darn it people find us amusing I swear. Seriously the words "funniest people ever" have been used to describe the comic stylings of the Swensen Siblings. I'm thinking we should go on the road.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Humble Brag
Have you ever carried around a backpack loaded with rocks on some sort of hike, epic journey, or any sort of life travel? If you answered yes to that question, and you are not the evil almost step-mom in the Parent Trap, you should probably take a step back and think about the life decisions that led to you carrying around a backpack full of rocks. It's just not something people should do. Segwaying into where this literal question becomes a horrible metaphor I'm sure everyone has carried around some sort of emotional baggage. Don't worry, I'm not about to go tell you to confess and repent, or seek professional help or anything. I just felt it necessary to try and connect with my somewhat existent readership before focusing this blog post back on what's really important, me. More specifically the emotional rock backpack that I've been carrying around since I clicked the submit button on my application to the University of Utah occupational therapy program at the beginning December. You see, ever since that day I have been waiting with bated breath to hear my fate. Getting into the program was the plan. Not a plan, but THE plan. Failure to get into the program would mean... I don't even know. Talk about putting all my eggs in one basket. Or don't, because I think that would be an odd discussion, as the only eggs I have are in my ovaries. Anywho for months now I have basically been in high stress mode at all times. I've been oscillating between pushing down the anxiety fighting to over take my body and succumbing to anxiety and annoying all those around me with my fears. It didn't help that I had my interview at the beginning of February and was told I would hear back middle to end of March. That is not a time frame, that is a time giant archway that is chilling in the middle of Paris. In the last two weeks I have checked my email more than anyone not in a serious business should. Basically, what I'm saying is that I have been a mess. To all of those who have had to interact with me, I apologize, I'm sure it has been a trial, and I thank you for sticking by me. Fortunately for both my nerves and my already fragile social life all that has now come to an end. Because...
When I said humble brag I actually meant not at all humble and all brag. Deal with it. So yeah, I got in. I can't remember being this happy in... a long long time. Happy and relieved and just yes. I mean sure, I have to stay in Utah for the next 2.5 years. But at the end of that I will be doing what I want and will be able to do it wherever I want. HAHAHAHA! Triumphant laugh!!!! I'm so happy that just thinking about the fact that my future is no longer hanging in the balance sets me a-dancing. And I decided to share my joy here. Because if I can't brag about myself on my own blog than what is the point of having a blog?
Look out world, my life now has direction, and nothing short of a very serious injury, a sudden love for dancing on poles, a failed background check and/or death is going to stop me.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I have a Confession
The time has come that I confess one of my deepest darkest secrets. I am in love...with Ke$ha. And not in an ironic, sarcastic way. And not the way that I love Rock and Roll High School. where it's ok to love it if you watch it with friends and family so you can laugh at how horrible it is. I genuinely like Ke$ha. I put on her music when I'm studying in the library. I rock out to her alone in the car. I can't get enough of her. Judge me if you want, but she's sleazy and catchy and speaks to my inner slut.
Seriously, how can you not fall in love?
Saturday, January 28, 2012
An Analysis of my Social Ineptitude
Picture the average 20-something college kid. Got it? Ok. Now, picture their Friday and Saturday night. What are they doing? Probably "going out." Am I right? Lets say for arguments sake I'm right. Going out is kind of what college kids do. Out can be a number of different places; bars, parties, social events, a concert, a friends house. Out can even be staying in and inviting other people to come to you. One thing going out definitely does not involve is sitting in your bedroom, alone, reading books and watching some-what-less-than-legally downloaded movies on your computer. Which is what I do, pretty much every weekend. You think I exaggerate? I don't. If I am in Salt Lake there is an 96 percent chance that both my Friday and Saturday will consist of me in my room by myself doing not a whole lot. If I'm in Mapleton there is a 78 percent chance that either my Friday or my Saturday will consist of me in my living room, alone, doing not a whole lot. But why do I do these things? I'm young, energetic, mildly charismatic, and can hold my own in most social situations. I have friends, I guess. Why is it that I spend my weekends away from the excitement of the world and the company of others? That my good blog readers is precisely what I plan on working out today in this mildly psycho-analytic blog.
I could make excuses. I could say I have homework to do. Which is true. I always have homework. But I never do it on the weekends. Ever. I does not happen. I could say that I work a lot and am tuckered out by the time I get home. Also true. I do work a lot, and I am usually at least a little tired when I get home. But that's no good either because people who work longer and harder than me still get up and go out on the weekends. I could say that I just enjoy being alone with my thoughts weekend after weekend. This is true too. Once I'm in my PJ's all snuggled up in bed watching some horrible chick flick or catching up on TV, or reading a book I quite enjoy myself. It's relaxing, and gets my mind off things. But to say I prefer it would be a lie. Because there's always that moment. That moment right before I cast off my presentable clothes and crawl into my not-to-see-the-light-of-day clothes where I find myself pausing, hoping, waiting, and wishing that I would get a text saying "Jessica, come out and play! Come be social and engage in age appropriate activities with us!" Then the moment passes, I throw on my leggings and XXL men's long sleeved shirt and I get down to doing nothing.
But Jessica! You just said that every weekend you wish that someone would call you. That means you want to go out! You want to be social! You want to participate in the normal activities of your age group! Why don't you just call some friends and go out and party? That my imaginary mind companion is precisely the problem. I want to go out and do stuff, however I don't want to call people and put together a group to do said stuff. And it's not just laziness that prevents me from picking up the phone. It's fear. Yes you read correctly. I am afraid of calling people and asking them to hang out with me. Does that seem silly? It is, but it is also the unfortunate truth. The problem with me is that I am a pleaser. I hate feeling like I've disappointed people. So when I think about calling friends and asking them to hang out with me I am then bombarded with a thousand nagging thoughts. Thoughts like "what if they already have plans? You know what, they probably already have plans and then they're going to be sad that they have to tell me no and I don't want anyone to be sad." Or "what if they don't have plans but they don't want to hang out with me but feel like that have to. I don't want to be an obligation." Or "what are we going to do, what if what I want to do is lame, what if I can't produce an evening of fun?" All these thoughts and more whiz around my head crippling my desire to call anyone and forcing me into an evening of sweats, sweets, and back episodes of Doctor Who.
So what can I do about this completely irrational fear that any person I call and ask to hang out with me is going to have a miserable time in my company and then hate me forever? I don't know. Seriously, I have no idea. I guess I just need to put on my big girl pants and start calling people and making an effort at being social. But who wants to wear big girl pants when they can wear stretchy pants? I guess the moral of the story is, I have issues, and if you want to hang out with me you should text me or something. Because I definitely won't be texting you.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The Bird
Usually when one returns to one's place of residence after a period of absence, whether one has been visiting one's hometown to enjoy the holiday season or on has been in a psychiatric institution to enjoy mental instability, one expects one's place of residence to be more or less the same. Sure, some dishes will have moved, the fridge will be filled with different sorts of foods, etc. One does not expect to walk into one's living room/kitchen area to see a caged bird sitting on the counter. However that is exactly what happened to me when I walked into my house in Sugarhouse after a period of absence, I'll leave it to you the reader to decide whether I was home for the holidays or recovering from a lapse in my mental faculties. Thats right, there was a bird, more specifically a White Bellied Caiques, in a cage that was occupying a good percentage of the counter space that I use to prepare food on a nightly basis. A living, breathing squawking bird. In a cage. On the counter. In the place that I live. Whaaaaaat?
Needless to say, I was not, and am not (as the owner of the bird has yet to relocate it), ok with the current situation. I don't like birds. On a good day I think that they are creatures, who look alright off in the distance, and who can fly which is pretty neat, as long as they don't get up in my bidness. On a bad day I think birds are dirty, ugly, stupid creatures who exist to fill their bellies with annoying bugs and seeds that need spreading and to fill my belly with their meat. On a really bad day I think that they are Satan's messengers that will one day band together and attack the human race in a relentless and merciless fashion. Thank you Hitchcock/Du Maurier. Why anyone would want to own a bird is beyond me. However, I can accept that there are people out there who don't mind keeping deranged psycho killers in waiting in their home. It's a personal choice, and people have the right to make it. As long as those people don't keep their winged rats ON MY COUNTER! Seriously, it's gross. I believe it is molting right now, and it isn't the neatest of eaters, or defecators. As a consequence I can't use my counter to do anything for fear of getting bird e coli or something. Also it's loud. Every morning as I stumble blearily up the stairs it greets me with a piercing noise that never fails to scare the bejeebers out of me. It has also been shrieking incessantly for the last 45 minutes. The walls are thin. It is annoying. I hate it.
Basically the point of this is to say, I don't like birds. I just don't. I really don't like birds in the place where I'm living. If however there has to be a bird in my place of residence I don't want the bird to be positioned where it renders my counter space unusable, and annoys the hell out of me. I want it in a private room where I don't have to see it, or think about it attacking me in the night. And if things don't change in the very near future either the bird or I is going to meet a very unhappy end.
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