You see the problem? Just in case you don't let me spell it out for you. It was pretty much the ugliest effing dresser ever. And I hated it. So before I moved up to Salt Lake I decided that I was going to change it. Not with paint, that's messy, costly, and a very bad idea especially if you're me, which I am. What I decided to do was get crafty with my dresser. I stole a bottle of Modge Podge and all my mom's old magazines. Basically the idea was that I was going to make a giant collage like the kind made by kindergartners on my dresser. I think I got about 3 drawers done before my room fell into disrepair and general horrific messiness. So there sat my dresser, half done, and half ugly. UNTIL NOW! That's right ladies and gentlemen, all it took was a massive room cleaning and an equally massive desire not to study for my physiology test and BAM my dresser is finished. And isn't it grand? That's it below in case you were wondering.
I actually don't care if you think it's grand. You could side with my roommate and think its "interesting" by which she means horrible, tacky and trashy, or you can think it's the coolest thing ever. What matters is that I love it. And the bows and garlands are gone. That's also a very important aspect. It feels like me and it fits in my room and I can look at it without wanting to vomit. Also it fills me with great pride. I not only started a craft project, I finished a craft project. Martha Stewart can suck it! Next thing you know I'll be making breadsticks that look like dead presidents and making flowers out of used kleenex. It will be great. For now though I think I'll just be happy with my fantastical new dresser.