Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today my roommate, my roommates boyfriend and I were domestic. We made a nice chicken(instead of shrimp as both Kristina and I are allergic) creole and peach cobbler. Oh yeah and we had on aprons. This got me thinking. I mean I am a big fan of feminism. I firmly believe that women should be able to work in all the same jobs as man, go to all the same schools as men, receive the same pay as men, and not be looked down on it. But I also like to cook. It makes me sad that when I choose to embrace something like cooking it's seen as natural. Of course you like to cook Jessica, you are after all a female. To that I say poo poo. My dad and both my brother, and Chris and a bunch of guys cook and are good. And there are plenty of chicks who can't cook. I don't really know where I'm going with this. I guess I just want to say to all my non readers out there, that I cook, but that doesn't mean I am a Hannah Housewife and if anyone tells me that my place is in the kitchen they will be punched in the face. But if you want a baked good let me know, cuz I love baked goods.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The lingering effect
I just got back from a 5 day camping extravaganza to Sequoia National Park. Side note: Sequoia looks wrong no matter how you spell it. It's a weird word. Any who, it was absolutely beautiful. Sequoias(so many vowels) are possibly the most amazing trees ever. They can survive fire with this stuff called tannin that puts out the fire and they are SO FRAKKING HUGE! I was in constant awe. Along with massively huge Sequoias I also saw two black bears, 5 or more deers, countless woodland rodents, and oh yeah, a lot of camp fires. I love campfires. They are beautiful and hot and allow one to do great things like roast marshmallows and hot dogs and express your inner pyromaniac. All good things. The only bad thing is that oh so distinctive camp fire smell that lingers on long after the campfire is gone. Seriously that smell is powerful. It creeps into you clothes and attaches itself to the fibers and stays there for two or three washes there after. It also attaches itself quite effectively to hair follicles. Especially mine. After camping I hopped right in the shower, stayed there for 45 minutes and shampooed(also a funny looking word) twice. I also used scented hair product on exiting said shower. And still, as I sit here my nose picks of the oh so distinct scent of hair wafting to my nostrils from my hair. I will probably continue to smell of campfire for two more days. I'll think its gone, and then with a strong breeze or a swift turn of my head I will catch a whiff of smoke and realize I still smell like a mountain woman. Oh well, I guess that's the price you must pay for immersing yourself in nature and escaping the modern world.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Identical twins shouldn't be identical
So, I don't really want twins. I mean, two kids simultaneously sounds like horrible. No sleep, two times the diapers, and twice the noise. I mean don't get me wrong I love kids and if I I have twins, then fine, and good and yes. And if I have twins one thing I will never do is dress my twins, or heck two kids of similar age and gender, in identical outfits. It's just, it's just, it's just so horrible. I mean really, why would you do that? I mean it's bad when they are babies, because babies all look the same so how would you know which was which? But when there are four year old, or even eight year old twins dressed the same, exactly the same. Freaks me out. People need to stop doing this. I mean why buy two of the same outfit? Just buy twice as many clothes of all different kinds and then make them share. BAM! Two birds, one stone. The children don't look like freaks, and they learn to share! I will never make my children suffer like this, and hope that you, not reading world, will follow my lead.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I'll admit it, I'm a spoonist.
World, who is not reading, I have a confession to make. I am a spoonist. Which is like a racist but with spoons. I hate big spoons. But not the super huge spoons with which you use to scoop delicious things like mashed potatoes onto your plate. Those are fine, and useful, and deliver goodness to my plate which then goes to my mouth, so I actually like those spoons quite a bit. I'm talking about those spoons that are supposed to be used for things like cereal but are too big to ACTUALLY fit in your mouth, and if you do manage to fit it in your mouth they hold too much food so you end up choking on the spoonful of food you just struggled to cram into your mouth. I really don't like them. They serve no purpose. The are too big to be used for regular stuff without dire consequences as described above, but too small to be used to scoop meaningful amounts of food from a serving receptacle to the plate. I think they're only good for sour cream scooping. Beyond that all they do is clutter up your silverware drawer and trick you with their rounded tops when you are searching for a spoon in the dishwasher. I wish they were dead, and think bad things about them and refuse to let them do things that all spoons should be allowed to do like enter my mouth, and scoop things. And so you see I am a spoonist, but really, can you blame me?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Don't worry, be happy. But seriously, JUST BE HAPPY FOR ONCE.
There are people in this world who cannot, or will not be happy. The work and work and work and work toward something and then when they get there or do it, or in other word succeed they don't say HEY GO ME I'M AWESOME it's well it wasn't what I wanted, or I don't know why I wanted that, or what do I do now. Why is this? Seriously how do you find the will to live if you are never happy. How do you get out of bed in the morning without being able to look forward to something. I don't understand it. I really think that you have to cut yourself some slack sometimes, and just be glad that you did something instead of focusing on all the other things you didn't do. I feel like this isn't very coherent, but as no onw\e is reading this I don't give a flying rat's patootee. So, non existent uninterested world, just be happy. Please. For instance, today coming home my nostrils picked up the delicate scent of freshly mown grass. Is there anything more delightful than catching a whiff of freshly mown grass? It is one of my simple joys. And I love it. SEE!!! Even now in the midst of finals hell I can experience moments of happiness. LEARN FROM ME! Also learn from my humility.
Monday, June 7, 2010
I guess I'll be trendy
Welp, I accidentally started a blog trying to follow my friend Heathers Blog. My bad. But now it's here so I guess I'll start blogging. I think I'll blog about me. I don't like talking about myself, but with interviews in my future maybe this will learn me up. Hopefully no one reads this though. Cuz that would be weird. I think I'll write to write, because I like to write. So here I am. Writing. Yup. Writing about me. Or maybe I'll just stick to writing about writing about me for today and save actually writing about me for another day, when I have more strength. Yeah, I think I'll go with that.
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